Subterrestrial’s richly orchestrated synth ambient is inspired by experiences of the natural world.
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
“My recent project is an ambient/dark ambient album called “Nature is Infinite,” recorded with softsynths, classic keys (albeit emulated) and field recordings… This album is inspired by my encounters with nature and the natural world, whether I am out on a walk in my neighborhood, a hike or camping in the woods.”
Here is a little background info on what inspired the tracks on this album. The first track, “Nature is Infinite” is simply inspired by the vastness of the natural world.
The second track, “A Walk Along the Bank” was actually inspired by a dream I had recently where I was walking in a nearby neighborhood and thought I could take a short cut to where ever I was going by cutting through some back streets. I walked in the hills for a long time and ended up almost right back where I started from. I had to cross over a creek that runs next to the road way that I needed to get to, but once I got down there, there was a wooden bridge, but some thing like roots hanging down that would have made it difficult to climb the opposite bank, so I instead walked along the river bank amongst the rich vegetation until I reached a place to cross. The dream obviously left a strong impression on me, because I remember it so vividly.
“Cathedral Amongst the Redwoods” is inspired by hikes in the dense Redwood Forests that are found here on the west coast. These ancient trees seem to stretch up into infinity. The forests are dark and quiet, it’s like being inside a cathedral.
“The Lava Tube” is inspired by my hikes through Thurston Lava Tube at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii. It is pitch black inside with no groomed pathways or railing. If you turn off your flashlight you experience true, absolute darkness. Sometimes you hear voices or see flashes of light from others hiking at the far end.
“On a Clear Night….” is inspired by being away from the city and it’s ambient light pollution on a clear night and being able to see the night sky uninhibited.
And lastly, “Shooting Stars” is about the pleasant surprise of being out at night, camping, etc… and witnessing shooting stars. ”
–Gary Ransford
Track List:
01 Nature is Infinite [06:02]
02 A Walk Along the Bank [06:33]
03 Cathedral Amongst the Redwoods [04:03]
04 The Lava Tube [04:06]
05 On a Clear Night You Can See for Light Years [07:25]
06 Shooting Stars [06:16]
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
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