wh075 Marco Lucchi – Some Perfect Curtains

Marco Lucchi - Some Perfect Curtains

Marco Lucchi returns to Webbed Hand with another multimedia conceptual album, this one consisting of ten audio tracks, four videos and a poem. This release is centered on an inspiration drawn from the music scores of cinema.

Visit the download page to stream or download this album.

audio tracks:

  1. gominimal #1
  2. glitchy fragment #2
  3. link #1
  4. la dedicace
  5. aquarium (marcus broesel’s close at 6pm remixed)
  6. she facilitates the use of the shamisen
  7. faust (deaf center’s lamp mien remixed)*
  8. link #2
  9. glitchy fragment #1
  10. gominimal #2

*Note:Track #7 “faust (deaf center’s lamp mien remixed)” has been removed from this album at the request of the artist Erik Skodvin (of Deaf Center) and his label, due to copyright concerns.

Full release also includes four videos and a poem.
The videos:

  1. apres-midi (wmv)
  2. puppets and jugglers (wmv)
  3. tomina (mpg)
  4. an indian summer night (wmv)

All Music by Marco Lucchi except where noted.

Webbed Hand Records presents another release of a multimedia project composed by Italian avante-garde sound artist Marco Lucchi.

Here is Marco Lucchi’s introduction:

some perfect curtains is a sort of anthology of my latest work
it shows my love for the audio scores (no only the music) of films
they are kind of movies without images (well, sometimes with images…)
and they are some very acousmatic works
they are ending or opening titles of imaginary films too
and they “promote” me as a composer of music for films to come
at the same time they lead towards another project i’m going to start
this project shall be a cover project
and will feature an ensemble playing a repertory of ambient, experimental,
non-academic contemporary music

the curtains remind me of the pythagoric and orphic attitude to sound, music and imagination
and to the matching mole’s visions by robert wyatt
–Marco Lucchi, 2006

come sono le stelle
  O uso pane
l’albero di fico

vicino al cancello

ancora sui monti
bambine bianche

come la luce
parlano i mughetti:

non le dovevi ascoltare
che siamo noi
  verde, buio,
e nome dei figli

chiave delicata
  e la cima

di figure bagnate
  sono pile

escono dal fango
    le teste
delle patate:

una coroncina
di fuochi ma viva

  quella è vento
che viene soffiata,

   –Andrea Lodi

Visit the download page to stream or download this album.

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