Argumentum e Silentio combines instrumental compositions with samples and field recordings, with influences from ambient and soundtrack music.
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
About the album:
“then he slowly rising from his seat,
with fingers black from willow´s seed,
and threw his fairytales in the street,
left the tempting pastry-cooks,
with very discontented looks.” — the artist
a little artist bio: the idea of -argumentum e silentio- was born with my novel “quaint music – the alphabet theory” — an a-z story of music mysteries.
so i would like to thank all the people who loves my work with -argumentum e silentio- and the nikki grace experience! cheers Marko.
01 yet you´re still jealous of everyone [12:40]
02 ten sticks of willow charcoal [09:22]
03 the snow in my hands [07:51]
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
I’ve been looking forward to these new compositions. Thanks!