Akashic Crow’s Nest ventures into a new stage of transmutation with this soothing alchemy-themed album.
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
The sound of Akashic Crow’s Nest begins with the use of an image synthesizer which turns very long photographic images into audio output, in the manner of a piano roll. The initial part of composing this music is thus designing the picture. For this latest project, the first audio output is converted to MIDI and run through a different software synthesizer, before being subjected to a battery of effects to get to the sounds you hear on this album.
Recorded & Produced by C.P. McDill
March, 2009
cover art by Aria Nadii (arianadii.com)
01 Dissolve (00:23:28)
02 Distill (00:07:20)
03 Resolidify (00:36:54)
Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.
Really very enjoyable.
The best ACN release in a while, and it’s something a little different from them (him?) More repetitive, less active than their previous material, it lends itself to contemplation more. It seems to be more like “The Serpent’s thumb” on “Hawk of a n uncanny Nest.”
Good none the less, you will enjoy it. Boing!
Very nice work indeed