wh192 mayfairgrin – dear julie: with grief and regards


This ethereal, rhythmic long-form composition by mayfairgrin includes processed voice and guitar by a guest artist.

Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.

“mayfairgrin has existed in various forms for the past 10 years. a mainstay to the underground, the project has released numerous albums. many of which are freely available on-line through popular netlabels. the project is primarily andrew latham; whom writes, records, programs, executes, and performs most of what’s heard on each of mayfairgrin’s compositions. the music is expansive and melancholy — teetering somewhere between the depressed and the sanguine.”

mayfairgrin Facebook Page

j. freeman – guitar, voice (words by s. patrick)
a. latham – process, atmosphere, programming

Track List:
01 dear julie – with grief and regards [29:52]

Download the whole album as a zip file or click here for more downloading and streaming options.

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